San Bernardino Sexual Harassment Lawyer

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San Bernardino Sexual Harassment Lawyer

San Bernardino Sexual Harassment Attorney

Everyone has the right to work free from sexual harassment, but this continues to be a pervasive issue for many workers throughout California. If you have experienced any type of sexual harassment at work, it is crucial to consult a San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyer as quickly as possible to determine your most viable options for legal recourse. The right attorney can help you determine the best course of action for your situation.

Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that makes it difficult or impossible for the victim to perform their job duties. It may sometimes begin as seemingly harmless jokes, remarks, or even genuine romantic advances, but once the target has made it clear that the behavior is unwelcome and unwanted, it should stop immediately. If it does not, further instances would escalate the situation to sexual harassment.

Legal Representation for Sexual Harassment in San Bernardino, CA

Hennig Kramer LLP has helped many past clients in San Bernardino and surrounding communities with all types of employment law cases, including many sexual harassment claims. Sexual harassment of any kind is offensive to any reasonable person, but many people throughout the San Bernardino, California, area endure this mistreatment in many ways, often due to fear of losing their jobs.

Whether you have been harassed by a supervisor, a coworker, or a third party who frequents your place of work, you have the right to put a stop to the behavior, and if your employer’s internal conflict resolution channels fail to produce acceptable results, you need to consult a San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyer who can help you take the next steps in resolving this issue.

Our team approaches every case with a client-first mentality. We get to know our client, learn as much as we can about their experience, and help them develop an individualized legal strategy aimed at securing the optimal outcome as efficiently as possible. You may have grounds to claim compensation for any damages you incurred from the harassment you experienced, and your successful case may also prevent others from facing similar mistreatment in the future.

Building Your Sexual Harassment Case in San Bernardino

It can be difficult for some victims of sexual harassment to recognize the reality of an abusive issue in the workplace, and some, unfortunately, endure harassment far longer than they should because they worry about being fired or facing retaliation if they speak out about their experiences. Recognizing the signs of sexual harassment is the first step in preventing it from continuing once it occurs.

Sexual harassment takes many forms, but the general definition includes any unwanted behavior of a sexual nature in the workplace that makes it difficult or impossible for the victim to do their job. A few of the most commonly reported examples of workplace sexual harassment in San Bernardino include:

  • Unwanted sexual advances.
  • Propositions for “quid pro quo,” such as a manager offering a pay increase or promotion in exchange for sexual favors.
  • Displays of sexually suggestive materials or pornography in the workplace.
  • Repeated unwanted remarks about an employee’s physical appearance.
  • Spreading rumors of a sexual nature through the workplace, which can create a hostile work environment for the victim.
  • Unwanted physical contact, including sexual battery of any kind.
  • Threats of job-related penalties in response to refused sexual advances.

If you believe you have experienced any type of sexual harassment at work, it is important that you report the issue internally to your human resources department immediately. Employers in the state are required to have internal conflict resolution processes in place designed to address, prevent, and resolve any such issues in the workplace. If you do receive an adequate response from human resources or if the issue persists, you need to speak with an attorney.

Your San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyer can help you take the next steps with your case. If you intend to file a suit against your employer, you will first need to submit a complaint to the state Civil Rights Department (CRD). You may ask the CRD to  investigate the issue and determine whether you have grounds for a case, or your attorney may seek a “right-to-sue” notice and bring suit on your behalf immediately. If so, the agency will issue a Notice of Right to Sue that allows you to proceed with your sexual harassment suit.

Success with your sexual harassment suit will require proving fault based on a “preponderance of the evidence,” meaning the harassment more than likely occurred that not, and caused the damages. It can be difficult to gather evidence to support your case, but your San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyer can lead and advise you in securing evidence and witness testimony you may need to succeed with the claim.

Damages in a Sexual Harassment Suit

If you proceed with a sexual harassment suit in San Bernardino, you may have grounds to claim several forms of compensation for the damages you suffered because of the harassment. If you lost your job due to illegal retaliation or if you were forced to leave your job because of the hostile work environment that the harassment created, you have the right to seek compensation for any lost income and benefits related to the incident.

You may have incurred medical expenses because of the harassment or have incurred other out-of-pocket expenses that you can cite as economic damages in your claim. Additionally, you have the right to seek compensation for the physical pain and psychological distress you experienced because of the harassment. Your attorney can help you determine an appropriate amount to reflect these non-economic damages.

Punitive damages can come into play in cases involving egregious sexual harassment and related crimes, such as sexual battery. Such behavior may also lead to criminal prosecution of the party who directly engaged in the harassment. Ultimately, you may be able to recover more compensation than you may initially expect, but you will need the help of an experienced San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyer to ensure the greatest chance of success with your case.


Q: What Actions Are Considered Sexual Harassment?

A: Many actions can qualify as sexual harassment. Some of the most common examples include “quid pro quo” sexual harassment, in which job benefits are offered in exchange for sexual favors, unwanted sexual advances, displays of sexually suggestive material in the workplace, or more serious issues such as unwanted sexual contact or sexual battery. If you are unsure whether a recent experience qualifies as sexual harassment, consult a San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyer.

Q: How Do I Sue for Sexual Harassment?

A: You can sue for sexual harassment in California when you experience less severe harassment on an ongoing basis, or if you experience a major incident, such as a sexual battery, even just once. You can report the harassment to your human resources department before speaking with an attorney. If you have grounds for a suit, your attorney can help you file a complaint to the state Civil Rights Department (CRD) and guide you through the next steps of your case.

Q: How Much Compensation Can I Claim for Sexual Harassment in San Bernardino?

A: The compensation you could claim for sexual harassment in San Bernardino will depend on multiple variables. If you incurred any type of damages, such as lost income, you have the right to seek repayment, and you also have the right to pursue compensation for pain and suffering. An attorney can help you hold an employer accountable if you have been wrongfully terminated, and they may assist you in negotiating a severance. The right attorney can help you maximize recovery.

Q: Can I Be Fired for Reporting Sexual Harassment to Human Resources?

A: If you are fired for reporting sexual harassment to human resources, it would qualify as unlawful retaliation. Employer retaliation is illegal when it is against any legally protected action, such as filing a sexual harassment complaint in good faith. If you believe that your employer has wrongfully terminated you or otherwise retaliated against you for your report, it is important that you consult a San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyer as quickly as possible.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a San Bernardino Sexual Harassment Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyer will typically be a percentage of your final settlement or verdict if you choose Hennig Kramer LLP to represent you. We take these cases on contingency, meaning our client is not required to pay upfront for ongoing attorneys’ fees, and we only charge a fee after we have won a case. This fee will be a percentage of the final settlement or verdict we secure for our client.

An experienced San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyer can help you better understand the legal options available to you for your sexual harassment claim, and you can rely on them to help with every stage of your case. It is important to act quickly once you have experienced any type of sexual harassment at work, so contact Hennig Kramer LLP today to schedule a free consultation with our team to learn how our San Bernardino sexual harassment lawyers can help.

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