Worker Claims Age Discrimination in Wrongful Termination Claim

Worker Claims Age Discrimination in Wrongful Termination Claim
Apr 20, 2019

When people start working in California, usually their focus is simply to earn enough money to pay their bills and maybe save some for emergencies that may arise.

However, people are also working towards saving enough to retire at some point in time. The retirement age seems to being pushed older and older though as life expectancies rise and costs of living increase. Therefore, there are many older individuals working in California, and they must be treated in the same way that younger employees are treated.

One woman is claiming that this was not the case for her. She is claiming in a wrongful termination lawsuit that at the age of 66, she was forced to quit her job due to unfair treatment she attributed to her age. She worked for the City of Beverly Hills, and for a long period of time had been assisting in management at the Greystone Mansion, which is run by the city.

In her lawsuit she claims that she began receiving unfair treatment when she was passed over for a director position, which was given to a 36-year-old with little experience. She also did not receive compensation for extra hours she put in for an annual event which she received every year prior to that year. After that, she was given more menial jobs despite being involved in management of the mansion for approximately 17 years.

If successful in her suit, the woman could be entitled to compensation for lost wages and other damages associated with the age discrimination. In fact, if any workers is treated differently because of her age, she may be entitled to compensation for the damages she suffers. These can be complicated cases, though, and not always the easiest to prove. Experienced attorneys understand how to prove them though and may be able to guide one through the process.

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