Women With Pregnancy Disabilities Allowed to Take Leave

Women With Pregnancy Disabilities Allowed to Take Leave
Dec 15, 2018

There are many things that happen in people’s lives in California that can change their lives significantly. One of these things is becoming pregnant.

Having a child changes things drastically. People’s lives start to revolve around their children, as newborns need almost constant attention. This is why parents are allowed to take time off work after the birth of a child under federal and California law without fear that they will lose it.

However, during the pregnancy complications can arise that affect both the mother and the baby. When this occurs it is known as a pregnancy disability.

The Impact of Pregnancy Disabilities

These disabilities may require the mother to take time off of work to ensure both her and the baby’s safety. In other instances, the mother may be able to keep working, but may need different accommodations to continue working.

Just like many other types of disabilities, employers are required to give mothers time off or make accommodations to allow them to work.

Pregnancy Disability Rights

In addition to the time off mothers are entitled to after the birth of the child, a mother is also entitled to up to four months for pregnancy disabilities.

Employers also are required to make accommodations such as:

  • Modifying work duties
  • Providing stools
  • Offering transfers to less strenuous positions
  • Providing longer breaks
  • Other reasonable accommodations

If an employer wrongfully fires a women after having a pregnancy disability or does not provide reasonable accommodations, the employee may be entitled to compensation.

Let Hennig Ruiz & Singh Help You

Being pregnant is not easy for women in California and sometimes complications arise that force a women to change their lifestyle. This could include taking time off work to help ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby. Employers must provide these accommodations as well and if they do not they may need to compensate the mother with back pay and compensation for other economic losses.

Experienced attorneys understand mother’s rights and consulting with one may be very useful.

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