There Are Many National Origin Based EEOC Charges Each Year

There Are Many National Origin Based EEOC Charges Each Year
Aug 03, 2018

There are many things that people in California have control over. People can decide which kind of food they will eat, which type of car they will drive, which job offers they accept and many other things. However, as people are aware, there are many things that are out of their control as well. People cannot control how old they are, the color of their skin, their gender, which country they were born in or where their family is from, whether they have a disability and many other things.

Due to the fact that people cannot control those types of things, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against those employees based on the things they cannot control. As mentioned above there are multiple different aspects of a person which could be discriminated against, but the statistics show that one of the more prevalent ones is discrimination based on national origin.

In 2017, there were8,299 chargesbased on national origin filed with the EEOC. This is actually down from a few years ago. From 2009 – 2013 there were well over 10,000 charges each year. In 2017, though there were 1,412 charges that had a successful outcome for the person filing the charge. These successful charges resulted in $29.6 million for the victims of the discrimination. This amount also does not include the amount people won through litigation in court forwrongful terminationor other claims of discrimination.

People who live in California come from all over the world. There are many people who were not born here or their families are not from here. While this makes some employers uncomfortable, it does not give them the right to fire employees because of it. If they do, the employee may be entitled to compensation from the employer for back pay, future pay and even punitive damages. Experienced attorneys understand these very fact specific cases and may be a useful resource.

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