Author Archives: Rob Hennig

Home /  Articles by: Rob Hennig
Transgender Workers Face Many Obstacles in the Workplace
Jul 06, 2018

Transgender Workers Face Many Obstacles in the Workplace

People’s gender, gender identification, race, age does not affect their…

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Protecting Employees Who Report Medi-Cal Fraud by Employers
Jul 05, 2018

Protecting Employees Who Report Medi-Cal Fraud by Employers

Medical treatment in California can be very expensive, especially for…

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Women Files Lawsuit for Disability Discrimination at Hospital
Jun 30, 2018

Women Files Lawsuit for Disability Discrimination at Hospital

Everyone in California is injured from time to time. It…

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Types of Compensation Victims of Sex Discrimination May Receive
Jun 29, 2018

Types of Compensation Victims of Sex Discrimination May Receive

It is important for all employees in California to be…

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Companies Use Downsizing to Hide Age Discrimination
Jun 29, 2018

Companies Use Downsizing to Hide Age Discrimination

Even with a red-hot economy in California, businesses will often…

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Whistleblower Receives Over 1 Million After Retaliation
Jun 22, 2018

Whistleblower Receives Over 1 Million After Retaliation

There are many charitable organizations in California who provide very…

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Can an Independent Contractor Ever Sue for Wrongful Termination
Jun 21, 2018

Can an Independent Contractor Ever Sue for Wrongful Termination

People in California work many different types of jobs and…

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What Are Employers Allowed to Ask Regarding Gender Identity
Jun 15, 2018

What Are Employers Allowed to Ask Regarding Gender Identity

Most employers know that they are not allowed to discriminate…

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Time Limits for Filing Retaliation Claims for OSHA Violations
Jun 15, 2018

Time Limits for Filing Retaliation Claims for OSHA Violations

There are many different industries and companies in California. These…

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When Does an at Will Employee Have an Implied Contract
Jun 08, 2018

When Does an at Will Employee Have an Implied Contract

California is an at-will employment state. That means that most…

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