Author Archives: Rob Hennig

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Employment Law Severance Packages and ADEA Waivers
Aug 10, 2018

Employment Law Severance Packages and ADEA Waivers

Over time people in California will continue to get older,…

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There Are Many National Origin Based EEOC Charges Each Year
Aug 03, 2018

There Are Many National Origin Based EEOC Charges Each Year

There are many things that people in California have control…

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Initiating an Employment Complaint In California
Jul 30, 2018

Initiating an Employment Complaint In California

Everything about a new job usually looks so promising in…

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Former Employee Files Whistleblower Claim Against Telecom Firm
Jul 28, 2018

Former Employee Files Whistleblower Claim Against Telecom Firm

The main goal of most companies in California is to…

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Signs That One May Be the Victim of Sex Discrimination
Jul 27, 2018

Signs That One May Be the Victim of Sex Discrimination

People in California go to work each day and do…

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Ways One Can Be Wrongfully Terminated
Jul 20, 2018

Ways One Can Be Wrongfully Terminated

Most employees in California are at-will employees. This means they…

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Reporting Off-Label Promotion of Pharmaceuticals
Jul 18, 2018

Reporting Off-Label Promotion of Pharmaceuticals

There are many different medications that are prescribed to patients…

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Settlement in Prevailing Wage Case
Jul 17, 2018

Settlement in Prevailing Wage Case

In recent news, 103 California construction workers received $7,228 each…

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Prominent Biologist Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations
Jul 14, 2018

Prominent Biologist Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations

Throughout the #metoo movement many people in California have been…

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How Companies Discriminate Through Disparate Impact Policies
Jul 13, 2018

How Companies Discriminate Through Disparate Impact Policies

Companies in California have various job requirements for certain positions.…

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